čtvrtek 23. února 2012

Major Theme(s)

The book is all about sex and writing. The book is actually about the process of writing of the book. Henry and his friends sleep with prostitutes, they go from one brothel to another. Miller loves sex and  writing about sex. He describes the acts in depth. Sometimes he talks about things that happened before and after it. Miller is uneployed, and his wife lives in the United States. He has no money, so he just walks around and writes. About sex. Sometimes he seems to be in love, but it is never for a long time. Another theme of the book is friendship. Henry has friends, people who he wastes time with, authors and journalists, who help and support Henry.

'Henry was so enthralled by women that he sought to demystify their mysterious parts through the violent magic of his books' - Erica Jong

1 komentář:

  1. What is your response to a book about writing a book and having sex with prostitutes? Does it succeed? Is it worth reading? Does it have any deeper meaning?
